High Stakes Learning serves students attending U.S. colleges and universities who are struggling with the demands and rigors of college-level courses. Our programs include learning workshops, tutoring on a variety of subjects, standardized test preparation and assistance in research proposals and data analysis for advanced students engaged in capstone projects.
With many papers to write, volumes of material to read and digest, classes and labs to attend and numerous and varied tests to take, college is tough. The disorganized student will quickly get frustrated and overwhelmed. Many students resort to last minute cramming for exams, substituting memorization for understanding. One of our flagship products includes a very unique and comprehensive coaching program that helps participants develop a success mindset, replace self-defeating habits with productive ones and acquire the study and metacognitive skills needed to teach themselves and get the most from their academic experience.
High Stakes Learning specializes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subject areas. We offer individual and group tutoring led by experienced educators. We also offer test preparation for standardized exams such as the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and the Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA-CAT) among others.
High Stakes Learning, headquartered in beautiful
Charleston West Virginia, makes extensive use of the latest audio-visual conference software and learning
management systems to serve students nationwide. Contact us via phone or email to obtain further information
about any of our products or services.